Young nearsighted kids who wear bifocal contact lenses that slow uncoordinated eye growth do not lose the benefits of the ...
No evidence is seen for loss of treatment effect after discontinuing soft multifocal contact lenses in older teenager ...
Children who wore soft multifocal contact lenses for myopia control had no loss of treatment effect after discontinuing the ...
enabling the wearer to adjust her focus depending on the distance from the object she is viewing—similar to bifocal or progressive-lens glasses. There are also contact lenses that can correct ...
Wearing multifocal contact lenses to slow myopia shows lasting benefits, offering an effective way to reduce nearsightedness progression in children.
Multifocal contact lenses for nearsighted patients correct ... At the end of BLINK2, eye growth returned to age-expected rates and there were no signs of faster-than-normal eye growth.