Stimulants affect the mind, brain, and body in several ways, many of which can be very positive, even in the long run. Find out about them.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms are associated with onset of nicotine and tobacco use in U.S. youths ...
ADHD can shorten life expectancy by nearly a decade. Yet, many adults go undiagnosed. Here’s what women need to know.
Whether you have ADHD or your partner does, learn four techniques for forgetting about fairness, improving collaboration, and ...
Too often, ADHD and autism coincide in children. New research finds that for many of those kids, this dual diagnosis ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) ...
In a study of more than 3.5 million adults, researchers from Drexel University’s A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, The Children’s ...
Maternal acetaminophen exposure during pregnancy is associated with a higher likelihood of childhood attention deficit ...
Every once in a while, somebody will joke that they have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) because they have a ...
A new study linked ADHD to a reduced life expectancy. Experts explain the risks, how ADHD impacts long-term health, and what ...
Early diagnosis and treatment of ADHD could help prevent young people from picking up smoking, per a new study.
In the startup environment where the odds are stacked against you, ADHD compounds the challenges founders face. Bogdan Nesvit ...