According to the CDC, washing your hands thoroughly can prevent illness. If not performed properly, however, the illness-causing bacteria remains. Produced by Emma Fierberg. Camera by Jacqui Frank.
The CDC recommends that you wash ... You see, your hands are normally covered with harmless, native bacteria, some of which can actually keep you healthy by fighting off harmful germs.
People with lupus are especially prone to infection caused by germs ... your nails too! Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? CDC recommends you hum the "Happy Birthday" song twice, ...
Hand-washing takes less than half a minute, yet an estimated 97% of people do it wrong. That's a big problem since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that one of the most ...
Washing your hands helps prevent the spread of disease and infection, but many people don't adhere to the proper standards. The CDC had set some simple steps to protect yourself and those around you.
How to clean your ... To stop germs before they can spread, it's a good idea to focus on high-touch surfaces such as ...
Official advice from the CDC states ... how to prevent germs from spreading contain specific advise on how to handle your clothes and laundry, to prevent infection. Wash your hands after handling ...