The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took offline recommendations on how doctors should treat sexually transmitted ...
I’m not in any way minimizing the great work the CDC does. But I think most of us realize that it has to be approved by the ...
With little fanfare, the Biden administration stacked a critical committee that helps set U.S. vaccination policy with new ...
Large sets of data are being scrubbed of references to transgender and LGBTQ+ people, among others, which could compromise ...
According to an Inside Medicine blog by physician and public health researcher Dr. Jeremy Faust, who first broke the news, ...
References to gender identity and information on some vaccines disappeared from federal websites as officials acted on a ...
"Vaccines help prevent getting and spreading serious diseases that could result in poor health, missed work, medical bills, and not being able to care for family." The CDC is one of 11 agencies ...
There is a vaccine aimed at preventing TB called Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), but it’s not commonly used in the U.S., ...