If you’re in the market for a new type of birth control, you might consider a method you don’t have to think about every day, or every time you have sex. One of the most effective, if ...
While a health plan is required to cover different types of birth control, such as the IUD, there may be some exceptions that might require that you pay out-of-pocket: Again, your insurance should ...
Copper IUDs (intrauterine devices) are a safe and effective type of birth control ... The copper stops sperm from meeting an egg in a few different ways, explains Felice Gersh, MD, author of ...
“We decided the best option for me was an IUD,” she said, referring to an intrauterine device, a long-acting, reversible type of birth control. Anderson, 25, of Scranton ...
Chemistry professor Samantha Gateman saw the negative side effects of copper IUDs and is leading efforts to create an alternative IUD made of iron.
“We decided the best option for me was an IUD,” she said, referring to an intrauterine device, a long-acting, reversible type of birth control. Anderson, 25, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, asked her ...
IUDs are small devices that are implanted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. There are two types: "hormonal IUDs," which contain the hormone levonorgestrel, and "copper IUDs." Another long-acting ...
Both the copper and hormonal types of IUD are highly effective at preventing ... This means the groups were different in many other ways. So, the hormonal IUD group and the other group might ...
Only one, Paragard, is of the nonhormonal type. Paragard is a copper IUD, while hormonal types release varying amounts of a synthetic hormone called progestin. These hormonal types can cause acne ...