Every Batman animated movie shows why the Dark Knight is ... here is every Batman animated series, ranked worst to best. The ...
DC Comics' Batman has a long and storied history, both on and off the page, having appeared in thousands of comics and quite a few animated series over the years. One of Batman's biggest legacies ...
The British studio has produced some of the most acclaimed animated films of the past few decades — and amassed legions of ...
The character went on to star in everything from a 1960s television show, to a hit animated ... team-up movie, we did count "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" because he got top billing.
Well, consider these censor-dodging nasties, the 10 scariest Batman Villains to appear in an animated series.
Just as the title of the film suggests, The Batman vs. Dracula 's main plot pits the bloodsucking legend against Gotham's ...