Janarthanan Sundaram, accused of siphoning over Rs 87 crore of investors' money through his ponzi scheme, was deported from Bangkok to India and taken into custody at the Kolkata airport by the Tamil Nadu Police,
Chennai: Janarthanan Sundaram, a prime suspect wanted by Tamil Nadu police in a major financial fraud case to the tune of 6,000 crore, was returned to.
Janarthanan Sundaram and Virendrabhai Manibhai Patel, wanted for multi-crore financial crimes in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, were deported through Interpol channels and arrested upon their arrival in India on Wednesday.
A jailed gambling tycoon fighting extradition to China received "inhumane treatment" in a Thai prison after saying he was a Chinese spy, his lawyers have told Interpol, saying they fear for his life.
Two fugitives, wanted in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, were deported from Thailand and arrested in India under an Interpol Red Notice.
CHENNAI: A man wanted by the Tamil Nadu police for financial fraud was arrested at the Kolkata airport based on a red corner notice issued against him by the Interpol, CBI said on Wednesday. The Global Operations Centre of CBI closely coordinated with Tamil Nadu police,
A jailed gambling tycoon fighting extradition to China received "inhumane treatment" in a Thai prison after saying he was a Chinese spy, his lawyers have told Interpol, saying they fear for his life.
The Global Operations Centre of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has closely coordinated with Tamil Nadu Police, Embassy of India, Bangkok, and Immigration authorities at Kolkata Airport for return to India of a Red Notice subject JANARTHANAN SUNDARAM, wanted by Tamil Nadu Police for financial fraud offences.
Thailand has refuted allegations of mistreatment against a jailed gambling tycoon facing extradition to China.
In coordinated operations by the CBI, two fugitives facing Interpol Red Notice were arrested after returning to India from the US and Thailand. Janarthanan Sundaram, involved in a Rs 87 crore ponzi scheme in Tamil Nadu,
CBI arrests two fugitives wanted for financial crimes in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat after their return from abroad.
She Zhijiang claims he has been beaten to the point where he is unable to stand, according to a letter his lawyers sent to Interpol.