At first a crusader for workplace safety, the trained physician railed against the use of the toxic and ubiquitous material ...
Health consequences: Lead poisoning: Widespread exposure to lead ... 15 BCE (The rise of the Roman empire) Lead pollution spikes again as it is increased because of the extension and expansion ...
Societal exposures date well back, with evidence in the Roman Empire of silver-mining projects dispersing ... detailing federal progress made since 2018 in reducing childhood lead poisoning. It ...
Lead pollution during the Roman Empire may have caused declines of ... "What we set out to do is to try to understand how significant lead poisoning was from this background of air pollution ...
Archaeologists have traced the earliest case of lead pollution by humans to the Aegean Sea region around 5,200 years ago. The ...
may have led to cognitive decline in the citizens of the Roman Empire. Lead pollution around this time may also have had some effect on marine microorganisms, and researchers from the new study ...
Researchers studying sediment cores recovered from mainland Greece and the Aegean Sea have found the oldest known evidence of lead pollution in the environment dating to around 5,200 years ago. That's ...
This required smelting, which released lead, said Koutsodendris. Later, the Roman Empire used lead for tableware and for construction, including pipes. Previous research - including an analysis of ...
Lead pollution levels surged around 2,150 years ago, a period that coincides with the Roman conquest of Greece. By analyzing pollen samples within the sediment cores, researchers were able to ...
Between 2018 and 2021, Milwaukee County accounted for the majority of childhood lead poisoning cases statewide, despite being home to only 20% of Wisconsin children under six years old.
The Chicago Housing Authority must pay more than $24 million to two residents who sued over alleged lead paint poisoning of their two children, a Cook County jury decided Wednesday. The case ...