Allahabad MP Ujjwal Raman Singh on Thursday visited Swaroop Rani Memorial Hospital to meet the victims of the Maha Kumbh stampede, which claimed 30 lives and left 60 injured during the Mauni Amavasya ...
Allahabad MP Ujjwal Raman Singh visited Swaroop Rani Memorial Hospital to meet victims of the Maha Kumbh stampede, criticizing poor crowd management. Singh highlighted negligence by the Kumbh ...
A pioneer of mass movement, yet still a rookie in India politics, Mahatma Gandhi visited Kumbh in 1918 to galvanise the masses and to know better the people of his country which was still governed by ...
Mahatma Gandhi, a key figure in India's independence movement, visited the Kumbh Mela in 1918. He saw it as an opportunity to unite Indians for the freedom struggle against British rule. Despite his ...