NGT Western Bench on January 27 directed the Pune forest department to complete the hill safety work in NIBM and Mohammadwadi before the coming monsoon season ...
State school education department has issued ordinance rescinding the decision taken during the tenure of former education minister Deepak Kesarkar to include blank pages in Balbharati textbooks ...
A woman is suspected to have died of Guillain-Barr syndrome (GBS) in Maharashtra on Wednesday, while 16 new cases of the rare nerve disorder were reported in the state, health officials said.
The 40 beds allocated at the Kamala Nehru Hospital (KNH) includes 15 for females, 15 for males and 10 with ventilator support ...
Passengers of the trains that originated from Pune and long-distance trains with stoppage in the city and reached Prayagraj in the last two days are facing difficulties to reach to the Maha Kumbh site ...
Over the past two decades, the idea of targeting transcription factors to combat malignancies has turned into a clinical reality.
President Trump also ordered the US schools to stop teaching “critical race theory” and other material dealing with race and ...