Le Comité des transports a approuvé aujourd’hui de nouveaux droits pour les demandes de consentement municipal et la diffusion des renseignements sur les services publics, ainsi qu’une mise à jour des ...
The Transportation Committee today approved new municipal consent and utility circulation fees, as well as updated road cut and temporary road closure permit fees, to ensure the City can continue to ...
The way things worked in the past, you needed to book an appointment, carve time out of your day, make a special trip, make sure you have all your papers and drawings and information with you, do your ...
Peut-être ne le savez-vous pas, mais au cÅ“ur de la ville, une merveille d’ingénierie et d’innovation fête aujourd’hui ses 150 ans. Le 24 octobre 1874, la plus ancienne installation d’approvisionnement ...
Designated a national historic site under the Heritage Ontario Act in 1982, the Fleet Street Pumping Station continues to be a key component of the City of Ottawa’s water supply system to this day, ...
The Planning and Housing Committee received a presentation today on the Indigenous-specific housing strategy developed by the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition (OAC). As part of a commitment made through ...
Le Comité de la planification et du logement a reçu aujourd’hui une présentation exposant la Stratégie sur le logement spécifique aux Autochtones, qui a été préparée par la Coalition autochtone d’Otta ...
Abrysvo® and Arexvy® are Health Canada-approved vaccines for preventing RSV-related lower respiratory tract disease in individuals 60 years of age and older, currently available for high-risk older ...
Santé publique Ottawa (SPO) recommande aux résidents admissibles qui présentent un risque plus élevé de maladie grave de se protéger contre le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS) en cette saison des ma ...
The Community Services Committee approved a Poverty Reduction Strategy for Ottawa, which offers a vision for people to have the resources they need to make decisions about their well-being and pursue ...
Le Comité des services communautaires a approuvé la Stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté pour Ottawa, qui propose une vision permettant aux résidents de disposer des ressources dont ils ont besoin ...
The City of Ottawa has completed the purchase of 1754 St. Joseph Boulevard from the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa to provide transitional housing. This acquisition is a key part of the City’s efforts ...