Generally, if you pay administration fees or you make contributions to your employee’s savings or pension plan, the benefit is taxable. If you withhold contributions to any savings or pension plan ...
Canada is investing $1.3 billion to bolster security at the border and strengthen the immigration system, all while keeping Canadians safe. Canada is investing $1.3 billion to bolster security at the ...
Before completing the T5 slips, see the information under Filing methods. We can process your return more efficiently if you follow these instructions. Enter the information in the white area provided ...
Excise duties and taxes, other levies and charges, and customs duties and tariffs collected by the federal government.
Internet filing is available starting January 13, 2025. Our Internet filing applications are convenient, free and secure. Where possible, you should file returns electronically to avoid the delays ...
Le Bureau de l'ombudsman des contribuables (BOC) est indépendant sur le plan fonctionnel et exerce ses activités sans l’influence de l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC). Nous sommes chargés d'améliorer ...
Élu pour la première fois en 2000, puis réélu à sept reprises, l’honorable Dominic LeBlanc représente la circonscription de Beauséjour depuis plus de 20 ans. Il a précédemment exercé les fonctions de ...
Health and wellness support for your personal well-being and in the workplace. Find mental health, workplace health and safety, employee assistance, and accommodation support.
Les changements climatiques ont un coût, et mettre un prix sur la pollution du carbone est un moyen de réduire la pollution pour les générations futures. En mettant un prix sur la pollution par le ...
apply online through the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC), or fill out the Repayment Assistance Plan Application (PDF, 175 KB) If you qualify, you have to reapply every 6 months to ...
Once you have completed a year of service in an eligible community, you have 90 days to apply for loan forgiveness. To apply, submit a: Canada Student Loan Forgiveness for Family Doctors and Nurses ...
More than 100 specializations! From Intelligence Officers to IT Professionals and Analysts, CSIS recruits top talent in multiple fields. We work together to perform our mission and keep Canada safe.