From baking to cooking in general, eggs are in basic and staple thus people eat everyday. Billionare or Millionare are not ...
Taking more unsaturated fats which are from most vegetable fats (oils) are good for heart health such as oily fish, nuts, seeds, and some vegetables. Avoid taking meats and dairy products. Get more ...
Some Asian doctors recommend taking Aspirin daily to help heart health on YouTube. Annenberg Public Policy Center at the ...
However, we might open at least one hour for our health from Radon which is the second largest cause of lung cancer among non ...
The study said not to recommend frying potatoes instead of baking or steaming. During this study, all participants have ...
Research showed that a small potato has enough nutrients for a person with Type 2 diabetes. The study emphasized that the potato’s outer skin is packed with health-boosting nutrients thus don’t peel ...
The study indicated delayed REM sleep is a novel marker or risk factor for AD/ADRD pathogenesis. Throughout the study, Prolonged REML (rapid eye movement latency) was associated with higher amyloid ...
Oral microbiome could related to brain degeneration diseases, according to a study by, today which noted that the oral microbiome may influence cognitive decline and brain health. In ...
Many studies have shown that a slow running and walking routine is a very good exercise for your health. It also measures how healthy you are from how fast you walk and how many times you run outside ...