As the polls narrow, Hacktivists acting on behalf of both Russia & Palestine are intensifying their operations. By Craig Watt ...
The Russian Foreign Ministry has been hit by a severe attack took place at the same time as the major BRICS Summit in Russia, spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. She reported that ther had been a major ...
With economic pressures mounting, the need to modernise outdated IT systems and make smarter security investments is crucial. By Dan Lattimer ...
Protecting sensitive data is critical, with increasing pressure on security teams. That's where low-code/no-code (LCNC) platforms come in.
Migrating your business to a cloud platform will make it easy for you to scale your operations when there is an increased seasonal demand or when you decide to permanently expand your company. This is ...
Cyber Guru is an effective cybersecurity awareness training platform, enabling organisations to increase their resistance to cyber-attacks by changing employee behaviour.
The financial impact of a cyberattack is not limited to the cost of recovery. Most businesses will face at least two weeks of downtime, followed by months of ongoing disruption. During this time, ...
Russia, China and Iran are using criminal networks for cyber espionage and hacking attacks against the US and others, according to a Microsoft report on digital threats published recently.
There is a growing relation that AI is just another technology tool, with fundamental flaws of which we must be careful. By Ron Marks ...
PE firms hold a wealth of sensitive information and cybersecurity is as important as “Quality of Earnings” for new acquisitions. By Chris Snyder ...
With cloud computing, cybercrime has become more sophisticated, with unique risks like misconfigurations & insider threats. By Narendra Sahoo ...
Kubernetes is so embedded that it’s almost impossible to imagine life without it. By Rani Osnat enhancing Kubernetes security should be a primary focus for future growth ...