From: Andy Blomsness ...
So, yeah, I am happy the Packers won, and I am very aware that people are saying that McManus may be the last piece of the ...
As commissioner on the County Board, he has fought to protect the environment, promote animal protection, and support effective and efficient government. Re-elect Greg Olson for the Winona County ...
As a citizen deeply concerned about Winona County's water quality, I have always been impressed with County Commissioner Greg Olson. Throughout his time in office, he has demonstrated a strong ...
I’m a Vietnam vet, and that’s one of the reasons I’ll be voting for Sarah Kruger for state representative for District 26A. She comes from a family with a long history of serving this country, and she ...
It's time for change on the County Board. It’s time to elect a commissioner who will not only represent the people of his district, but also consider the people in all the districts in the county. We ...
As the county commissioner for the fourth district, Greg Olson has always fought for issues that are not considered “easy.” He worked to ban frac sand mining and fights to protect our bluffs. He also ...
From: Lynne Rabuse ...
Space for letters to the editor in our final edition of the paper before the election is filling up fast. We’ll consider letters sent by this Friday at 4 p.m. The word limit for letters endorsing ...
We have been busy giving out lawn signs that have the names of our party’s candidates for political offices — from Kamala Harris for President to Sarah Kruger for Minnesota Legislature. For over a ...
I see big troubles coming. The nation is divided, angry, confused. It’s harder to be a decent citizen, harder to turn the other cheek. I’ve said before that Sarah Kruger is sensible, honest, caring.
Winona County voters get to help elect great candidates to state and federal positions this year. Kamala Harris and our own Tim Walz are proven, excellent leaders who will uphold the Constitution and ...