Mesa City Council rezoned 64 acres east of Signal Butte Road. Developers plan to build a Target, 650 apartments and more.
The data center announced Thursday that it is now serving traffic and is connected to global infrastructure and technologies.
Meta has brought its Mesa data center in Arizona online. The company broke ground on the initially-$800 million data center ...
West said it didn’t do its homework on outrage comedian Leonarda Jonie, though a staffer says the owner enjoyed the show.
Music classes for elementary students in Mesa Public Schools will continue for at least the next year. The Mesa Public School ...
Earlier this month, the district announced it would make layoffs for the 2025-26 school year due to a funding deficit.
Instead of celebrating a birth, a Valley couple had to say goodbye to their baby after a prolonged labor at a Mesa birthing center ended with a stillbirth.
A couple is planning to sue a Mesa birthing center after their newborn's death, alleging negligent labor management.
The discussion during the Mesa Public Schools board meeting centered around the budget and possible removal of music classes ...
A Canadian couple lost their dog while on vacation in Phoenix and were reunited after someone spotted her on an ADOT traffic ...
A Mesa woman bought a car with a bad title and couldn't register it, so she called On Your Side for help. Over a year later, ...
Dylan and Noelle Zmrzel plan to sue the Willow Midwife Center for Birth & Wellness AZ, LLC in Mesa for the death of their newborn, saying the attending midwives should have done more to keep the mom ...