Gender-based violence refers to any type of harm that is perpetrated against a person or group of people because of their factual or perceived sex, gender, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
IN PRACTICE, the right to respect for private and family life applies, for example, to… What is the right to privacy and how is it protected under t? See some example cases of how the ECHR acts to ...
Article 3 of Protocol No.1. Everyone has the right to elect the government of his/her country by secret vote. Without this right there can be no free and fair elections. It guaran ...
No-one shall be held in slavery or … required to perform forced or compulsory labour. The prohibition of slavery is absolute and must be guaranteed by effective legislations.
The Intercultural cities index (ICC-Index) supports all these objectives. Cities that carry out the ICC-Index questionnaire consistently and repeatedly over a period of time will be able to discern ...
Prevention plays a central role in efforts to eradicate and remove the root causes of gender-based violence. Youth work and human rights activism can make an important contribution to such ...
Gender-based violence is a human rights concern. People who experience gender violence may suffer from different human rights violations – for example the right to life, freedom from torture and ...
Gender enters into all our social relations. When people interact, their view of themselves, including their identity and their rights and possibilities, comes up against the way they are perceived by ...
Gender equality is an essential aim for any society based on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Gender equality concerns almost every aspect of social interaction and public policy, ...
The Youth Department guides member states in the development of their national youth policies, using recommendations from the Committee of Ministers, as well as other texts. All guidelines are firmly ...
Une conférence internationale organisée le 24 octobre à Vilnius, sous la présidence lituanienne du Comité des Ministres du ...
In terms of attitudes and values, young people need to develop motivation and a commitment to the protection of human dignity; empathy and solidarity for others; and a sense of justice and ...