Light is good, and if one can get into the group of ro’ei hashemesh, seeing the sun but not being captive to it, life can be good and enjoyable. The way to escape from the sun’s domination is by i ...
On this coming Simchat Torah, we will once again dance with our Torahs. But, as we well know, the singing and dancing will never ever be the same as prior to October 7th 2023. It will be tinged with a ...
It is a truism that the West was formed by Athens and Jerusalem – meaning the rational thinking introduced by Greece and the moral and religious thought introduced by Israel. Of the two, Jerusalem’s ...
Enemy and treason are defined not just by actions, but by intent. Left-wing extremists, right-wing extremists, anti-Zionist charedim – none of these groups want the destruction of Israel, the murder ...
Originally designed for about 150 passengers, the Struma was retrofitted to carry almost 800 people, such that its sleeping quarters lacked space for the passengers to even sit up.
We have also realized who we can trust and who our friends really are: despite its waffle-words, its incredibly poorly thought-out hostage-cease-fire plan and a temporary hold on some weapons, the Bid ...
Popular songs on Israeli radio today – the songs which have become the anthems of this war – emanate from a deep spiritual place. They draw on Jewish themes, motifs, prayers, and texts. And young ...
True, I’ve written about miracles in Israel’s wars, such as the sudden burst of rain during the War of Independence that bogged down Syrian tanks attacking an Orthodox kibbutz just as their ammunition ...
The suspect Ariane Tabatabai works as the director of the office of the Assistant to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin for Special Operations and International Conflicts.
When Hashem finally redeems His people from all our afflictions, crushing our enemies and “their high places” beneath us, then we will encounter the final unfolding and unfurling of His Name over ...
The Iranian terror proxy allegedly paid UNIFIL personnel to use their positions and took control of surveillance cameras.
After Shabbat ended the news started rolling in; the numbers of people murdered, kidnapped, the pictures, the videos. Then, as we all feared, the horror began to become personal.