Iris, created by Jaume Plensa, a symbol of the power of human communication, forms part of Distrito Telefónica and will be ...
Telefónica Tech develops a revolutionary data lake in Asturias to optimize water resource management, analysis and visualization ...
CDP Climate Change: Telefónica Responses 2024 consolidates the climate change questionnaire Telefónica answered to apply to ...
It’s complex: Creating transparency, that enables cross-company collaboration and eventually fosters innovation truly ...
When you put yourself in the customer’s shoes, you show genuine concern. You not only hear their words, you feel their ...
Telefónica's Chairman & CEO has occupied this position since February 2022, marking the first time that a representative from ...
There are six main bodies of the United Nations: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, ...
The digital habits of Telefónica's customers in Spain, Germany and Brazil have helped avoid almost 70 million tonnes of CO2 ...
It plays a very important role. At the moment the cloud provider is responsible for security for the entire ‘as a Service’ ...
Founded on 24 October 1945, the UN is currently made up of 193 countries after the latest addition in 2011. Do you know which ...
Telefónica ha contribuido a evitar la emisión de 69,2 millones de toneladas de CO 2 en 2023 gracias a los hábitos digitales adquiridos por sus clientes residenciales en España, Alemania y Brasil a ...
Juega un papel muy importante. De momento el proveedor de la nube es el responsable de la seguridad para toda la capa “as a Service” que nos ofrecen. Desde la seguridad en la virtualización en el caso ...