Anyone Leasing a Tractor From RYDER or PENSKE?
Jun 10, 2017 · Anyone Leasing a Tractor From RYDER or PENSKE? Discussion in ' Ask An Owner Operator ' started by Big Herb The Trucker , Aug 22, 2017 . Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next >
Penske Truck leasing | TruckersReport.com Trucking Forum | #1 …
Aug 1, 2010 · The weekly rate on an otr tractor with sleeper is about $800 + 12 cents a mile off the hub every mile you turn. rollin coal , Sep 25, 2012 rollin coal , Sep 25, 2012
Penske Lease - TruckersReport
May 2, 2010 · BIG difference between leasing ON with a company and leasing FROM a rental company. If you get a Penske...or any rental for that mater, you still need EVERYTHING to set up your own authority and become an O/O, you are just making the truck payment to Penske. You have to have run under your own DOT# if you have it more than 30 days.
Leasing from Penske? - TruckersReport
Jul 15, 2015 · Leasing is way cheaper than renting, almost 50% less. I have one tractor and two straight trucks leased through Penske. I was worried about the cost, but now I'm not sure if I'll buy another truck. On one hand it sucks because you always have a truck payment, but that's about the only negative I can think of.
Penske and Ryder truck and trailer leasing - TruckersReport
Aug 3, 2010 · Penske is bad news from my experiences. Idealease is good, depending on the dealer. Thing about Idealease is they are dealerships with good mechanics, unlike Penske. They want you in for your 20k PMs on time. Take care of the tires, etc., if that truck needed something it got it. Penske gave me a brand new Volvo a couple of months ago.
Penske Logistics Reviews - TruckersReport
The tractor had Continental tire's, with about 10,000 miles they started causing a vibration, no questions asked they put a brand new full set of michelins on it. And then you get the 24 hour roadside for breakdowns, also free.
Renting a tractor/trailer for a private move. - TruckersReport
Feb 5, 2013 · Has anyone ever rented a tractor/trailer for personal use, i.e moving household goods? I have held a CDL-A for ninteen years, but have not driven for a carrier in about eight. I have no doubt that I can walk into my local Ryder or Penske (having done business with both) and rent something, but making the trip would certainly raise flags with ...
Can I rent a truck and make money off the load boards?
Jan 5, 2013 · It is possible to rent a tractor and trailer and make money. With that said I don't think using load boards is way to go. I haul cherries locally then haul pears out of Yakima to Vancouver. Pears pay $1,000 a round. Renting tractor costs me $1850 month and flatbeds (doubles) run me $1400 month. Last year cleared about $35,000 for 4 months.
Renting a class A truck for the DMV road test?
Jan 24, 2013 · OK, here are some ball park figures on (if it were even allowable) to rent a tractor and trailer from a leasing company: Daily rental for tractor 172.74, per day plus .19 per mile, - with a $5000 pre-approved credit line, and a business with 3 years financials. the trailer 36.19 per day plus 0.04 per mile and a $500, deposit.
Aug 14, 2020 · Then I would just use commercial rental trucks from penske, etc until I have enough money to purchase the truck I really want Blacktop2020llc , Aug 14, 2020 Blacktop2020llc , Aug 14, 2020